Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Christmas Card Extravaganza

Christmas Card Extravaganza 2014

Enjoy a couple hours of holiday creativity!
Make 20 Christmas cards at your own pace, moving to each new project as you are ready.
Take the time to visit with your crafting friends, enjoy some home-baked shortbread and spiced cider.
All to the tune of Christmas carols playing in the background….

What will you make?
You will make 5 cards each, of 4 different designs = 20 cards!
All materials will be pre-measured and cut for you.
You have the fun of putting it all together.

Workshop Options:
Saturday, Dec. 6 – 10am – 12:30pm
Sunday, Dec. 7 – 2pm – 4:30pm

Pick Your Price:
Option A:             $30 workshop fee
Option B:             Place a $50 product order and get $10 OFF your workshop fee
Option C:             Place a $50 product order and receive your choice of $15 additional FREE product added to your order (workshop fee remains $30)

Because this workshop requires a large amount of time and material prep, I kindly ask that you . . .

Reserve your Extravaganza spot by Nov. 10, with a $30 deposit!

The day of the workshop, we will adjust your payment, according to your chosen pricing option.

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